This Hartford model 2 SN#5384 was welcomed to the collection in spring of 2022

The Hartford is a great example of a machine that may have been very successful if it had been introduced just a few years earlier. Most production occurred between 1895-1907. There are 2 main models known, the model 2 with a double keyboard, and the model 3 which was a single keyboard with a shift key. The model 2 has many more surviving machines than the model 3 known today. There is many very well built features on the Hartford, including an automatic ribbon reverse, a ribbon that moves both left to right but also front to back, There was only 3 feet, two in front and one in back to prevent the machine from rocking. Also the extended frame allowed for longer key levers which provided a lighter touch, also the type segment machining allowed for a near permanent alignment to be kept. And last but certainly not least on later model 2 machines a mechanism under the keyboard was introduced that does not allow for 2 neighboring keys to be pressed simultaneously preventing type bar jamming. Early on the ribbon drive mechanics were redesigned. earlier machines used a chain drive mechanism to rotate the spools when typing, but later switched to the style shown here with a ratcheting gear advance system. Paper tables are often missing from Hartford’s that are found, They are simply attached with 2 screws and are often misplaced when removed. Also the frame of a Hartford is very thin at around 1/4 inch thick (6MM) causing extreme fragility in shipping.


Hammond Multiplex AL226602


Imperial B